This is an archived blog post from The Acorn.
It is difficult to fathom why Bhrigu’s question was absent from the blogroll until now, for that excellent blog with its erudite and thoughtful commentary demands a place on the sidebar. And there can be no excuses at all for not listing The Examined Life all this time. Not that these bloggers need any introduction, but if the purpose of the blogroll is to highlight the best blogs in the areas that The Acorn covers, then it is necessary to mention them.
The India-China Project is a group blog which brings together some very insightful thinkers and scholars on what the rise of the two Asian giants means for India. The Indian Economy Blog is another group blog that is already serving as a watering-hole for some of the Indian blogosphere’s best, and not only for those interested in that dismal science.
All things being equal, Ceteris Paribus has an insightful perspective on things. And BombatBengluru has such a nice ring to it. State of the Nation and UnSaid have strong opinions. GreatBong does too.
And from across the border, we have Reality Cafe, which serves a robust brew.
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