March 22, 2007Aside

Baseless allegations (Kingston, Jamaica edition)

How did Woolmer die?
This is an archived blog post from The Acorn.

It is when Pakistani media managers say that the allegations are baseless” that you know you have to sit up and take notice. No, this one is not about terrorists and gangsters living in the country under the ISIs protection (although that is not entirely ruled out). This one is about the death in Kingston, Jamaica—under suspicious circumstances—of Bob Woolmer, Pakistan’s cricket coach. Responding to allegations (made by a former Pakistani cricket official) that the player-bookie nexus had something to do with the Woolmer’s death, Javed Mir, the team’s media manager said, well, Allegations are always baseless. Prove it”.

Proving it now happens also to be Scotland Yard’s job. [Update: Jamaican police confirm that Woolmer was murdered]

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