September 14, 2007EconomyForeign AffairsSecurity

Regarding Sethusamudram

Is there business in the dredging?
This is an archived blog post from The Acorn.

Here’s something from The Acorn’s archives that should inform the current debate over the Sethusamudram canal project.

…a key factor, and perhaps the most important one, has not quite received the attention that it should. And that relates to the commercial viability of the project.

The Indian government has just taken a gamble. If the project can achieve the objectives that the government has set for it, it may even mitigate the damage it is causes the environment. And for the time being at least, New Delhi can count on high oil prices to keep it from looking silly. [The Acorn]

Related Posts: Ram Setu for dummies, via Reality Check; On the controversy it has dug up: Jaffna over at the Cynical Nerd’s blog; Nita Writer; Rational Fool and of course, GreatBong.

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