April 1, 2008AsidebudgetEconomygovernancepodcastPragatipublic financePublic PolicyUPA

Podcast Trial

Listen to the voice of the revolution

This is an archived blog post from The Acorn.

Pragati will be available in a specially produced podcast edition, from April 7th onwards. It will provide a broad overview of the articles in the month’s issue of Pragati. Mohit Satyanand, your host, will read out key segments from the articles. You’ll be able to listen to the podcast online or download the podcast in MP3 format.

Here’s a sample track Mohit recorded last month. The purpose was to make sure that the technology works as intended. Unlike the the podcast edition of Pragati here he just reads one article from last month’s issue.


To listen to it you’ll need Flash enabled on your browser and a broadband connection for optimum listening experience. You can also download the file onto your computer.

Tell us what you think.

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Pragati April 2008: Give them their freedom
On arming citizens to fight insurgents

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