October 19, 2008al-qaedaeconomic crisisEconomyfinancial marketsglobal economySecuritystock marketsterrorism

Safe under the carpet

Whose wealth was kept out of the financial system?
This is an archived blog post from The Acorn.

Al-Qaeda’s. (Sunday Levity. Yes, this joke is on the rest of us)

The Associated Press reports that

Al-Qaida, which gets its money from the drug trade in Afghanistan and sympathizers in the oil-rich Gulf states, is likely to escape the effects of the global financial crisis.

One reason is that al-Qaida and other Islamic terrorists have been forced to avoid using banks, relying instead on less-efficient ways to move their cash around the world, analysts said. [AP]Because it was forced to keep its money under mattresses (okay, carpets) it might have escaped the dramatic losses due to the global financial crisis. Not entirely though. Unless they managed to cash out in time, terrorist financiers must have lost some money in the stock market, which they were alleged to be milking.

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