Asian growth in an American vaccuum
A stronger rupee is the path ahead for India
V Anantha Nageswaran
Frontline worry in the war on terror
Washington must learn to do without a friendly Pakistani general
Nikolas Gvosdev
Fewer laws, more efficient enforcement
There are no shortcuts in the battle against terrorists
Ravikiran S Rao
Towards a new anti-terrorism policy
A seven-point programme
Nitin Pai
The Vajpayee-Manmohan doctrine
The moorings of contemporary Indian foreign policy
Dhruva Jaishankar
Washington’s Pakistan strategy; Pakistan’s westward drift; The next chapter
Vijay Vikram
A new millennium in science
India’s scientific output has risen sharply since 2000
Christopher King
An electric imperative
Bringing power sector reforms back onto the national agenda
Gulzar Natarajan
American Indians
A review of Vinay Lal’s The Other Indians
Chandrahas Choudhury
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