January 7, 2011AsideEconomyForeign AffairsPragatiPublic PolicySecurityTakshashila

Pragati January 2011 - Securing Our Ocean

The January 2011 issue (No 46) is out. The highlight of this month’s issue is India’s relationship with its extended neighbourhood: first, we focus on maritime matters and second, we debate what role India ought to play vis-a-vis its neighbours. Featured are two book review essays, on the Indian Ocean and on the problems with military modernisation.
This is an archived blog post from The Acorn.

The Takshashila Institution launched its nationwide roundtable conclave programme in Bangalore last month, and you’ll find a report of what was discussed there.

Also in this issue: on the importance of ideas in politics, on corruption being kicked upstairs, on human trafficking and on a new phase in the international nuclear non-proliferation regime.

Download the digital community edition in PDF format (3MB). Full articles are also available on Pragati’s website.

Plus: The wonderful people who run Quill Media have reduced the price they charge to bring you a printed copy. It’s Rs 50 per copy or Rs 500 per year (12 copies). Do sign up to receive our magazine in print each month, and take out gift subscriptions to introduce your friends to Pragati.

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